Mayumi Doria, C.Ht.
Mayumi is a Certified hypnotherapist, Certified Neuro Linguistic Programming Practitioner, Certified Therapeutic Master Imagery Facilitator and Komyo Reiki Practitioner, specializing in anxiety and insomnia. She is a graduate of Hypnosis
Motivation Institute and is a member of the American Hypnosis Association and the Hypnotherapists Union.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis is a state of relaxation and focused concentration. In this state you can utilize suggestions for behavioral change. Hypnosis is not sleep; you will remember everything. We experience hypnosis naturally each day as we go in and out of sleep. The hypnotherapist uses our natural ability to access this state. In fact, hypnosis has been shown to be a safe, effective way to help improve your mental and physical well-being and it has been endorsed by the American Medical Association as a valid therapeutic tool since 1958. Hypnosis can help focus the body, mind and spirit to:
Awake each day calm, positive, and filled with an uplifted spirit - and with expectations of success about your upcoming day
Feel mentally strong, emotionally strong, and filled with dynamic energy allowing you to recognize, size up, and then to convert every opportunity into decisive personal gain
Find your true place in this world - your purpose and then rightfully living it, and enjoying all the relationships, money, joy, and fulfillment it has connected to it
Be forever free of your negative past and its life compromising tendencies.
Release tendencies toward blocking, limiting, and/or sabotaging yourself - and enjoy new, self-tailored affinities that build you up, empower you, and efficiently move you ahead in your life.
Look within yourself and find answers you've heretofore been haplessly looking for (and not finding) outside yourself!
Feel in control of your destiny, instead of being at the mercy of other people's thoughts and whims
Incredible self confidence
Empower self-esteem
Guide the life journey and aid in connecting with your inner wisdom
Release your stress
Change your eating habits for weight management
Conquer negative habits, such as smoking
Foster healing of body, mind, and spirit
Explore your inner soul consciousness through past-life regression. Investigate karmic relationships and your life's path
Questions and Answers
Q. Can anyone be hypnotized?
A. Most people can, providing they are able to understand the things they have to do in order to achieve this state.
Q. Can I be made to say or do anything against my will while I am in hypnosis?
A. No. Clinical hypnosis is not the same as stage hypnosis, you are free to accept or reject any suggestions made.
Q. Will I be aware of what is happening or being said while I am in the hypnosis state?
A. Yes. You will feel deeply relaxed but will never lose contact with the Hypnotherapist’s voice.
Q. What happens if I don’t come out of trance or something happens to the Hypnotherapist before I am brought out?
A. You would simply come out of the trance naturally as the rapport would be lost with the Hypnotherapist. No-one has every remained in trance indefinitely.
Q. Will I be able to drive afterwards?
A. Yes. You will still be feeling relaxed, however your actions and reactions will be functioning super efficiently.
Q. When I am in hypnosis am I unconscious?
A. No, you are in a state half-way between sleep and wake.
This is a healing and growth process, stimulating the mind /body connection by developing proficiency in imagery. The Therapeutic Imagery approach acknowledges your desire for self-direction. This approach will help you move in to confident independence. It will be tremendously effective for pain control, stress reduction, general emotional well-being and success in life. Therapeutic Imagery approach acknowledges your desire for self-direction. This approach will help you move in to confident independence.

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Your Greatest Self, Begin With The Journey
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”
― C.G. Jung
What are your concerns?
If you are seeking positive change, it is safe to assume that you have been victimized by negative unconscious programing. We can change your entire approach to seeing the world. Our life script is written by our subconscious mind. You were programed by your past. It is time to change that script, so you will have the accomplishments you desire.
All goals are possible with the right subconscious program. You are going to move forward and be the person you want to be in all aspects of your life.
Anyone can do it.
But not everyone will...
Will you?
Some of the problems that hypnotherapy can help with are:
Abuse Related problems
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)
Confidence-lack of
Drug Dependency
Examination Nerves
Fears and Phobias
Habits and Compulsions
Memory Recall
Migraines and Headaches
Nail biting
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Pain Control
Panic Attacks
Sexual Problems
Weight Problem
I spent six weeks working with Mayumi to adjust my thinking and eating patterns. Before our sessions I felt anxious virtually all the time. I had trouble sleeping and communicating, as well as a history and habit of binge eating. Within the first week I noticed results. My self-awareness gradually increased after each session, and in turn so did my self control. After our 5th session, upon hearing myself referred to as an 'ex-binge eater,' I no longer used food as an escape. Hypnotherapy works and I have the utmost respect and gratitude for Mayumi. Her approach is gentle, nonjudgemental, and down to Earth. I was able to open up to her about many details of my private life comfortably and we often shared a few laughs. She ia a sweet and wonderful person and a highly recommended hypnotherapist.
Working with Mayumi and her smoking cessation program, I was able to get over my urge to continue smoking and have gone over a year without having a cigarette. After the success of that program I decided to continue working with her to help manage my anxiety disorder. She was very understanding about my disorder. Through guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation, the day to day symptoms of anxiety started becoming less intrusive and I was able to begin feeling in control of my life again.
I was struggling with anxiety and having panic attacks on a daily basis. After being referred to Mayumi Doria by a friend, I found making an appointment with her quite easy. I noticed an improvement after a couple sessions so I decided to keep working with her to try and alleviate my anxiety all together. Over time I found myself regaining control of my life with her help. She also helped me quite smoking!I highly recommend her and have referred several of my friends to her.

“Turn the spotlight inward”
~ Gandhi
Hypnosis is the epitome of mind-body medicine. It can enable the mind to tell the body how to react, and modify the messages that the body sends to the mind.” – New York Times